Jailbreak iPod Touch 4g 4.1.0 using #Greenp0ison , #Limera1n , #Redsn0w 0.9.6b2 , #PwnageTool 4.1.2 #jailbreak #ipodtouch4g
Jailbreak using Greenp0ison
Congratulations, your device can be jailbroken using the greenp0ison jailbreak method. Here are instructions for the jailbreak:Note: this release is compatible with windows, mac, and linux. This jailbreak DOES NOT PRESERVE YOUR BASEBAND, so if you are using an unlocked device, please use TinyUmbrella or PwnageTool when jailbreaking
- Step 1: Download the software from the link at the bottom of this guide
- Step 2: Run greenp0sion
- Step 3: Power off your device and connect it to your computer using a USB connection
- Step 4: Press the big “Prepare to Jailbreak (DFU)” button
- Step 5: Follow on-screen instructions
- Step 6: You will press the sleep button for 2 seconds, press sleep + home for 10 seconds, and release sleep (holding home) for 15 seconds. All of this is explained on screen.
- Step 7: Your device is now ready for jailbreak! Press the “Jailbreak” button on screen.
- Step 8: Congratualations, your device should now be jailbroken!
- Step 9: Your device will now have a “Loader” application. Run this and install Cydia.
Jailbreak using Limera1n
While JailbreakMe.com may be the easiest method to Jailbreak, it doesn’t work with 4.1 firmware. You can use Limera1n to jailbreak 4.1 devices and it’s almost as easy.
- Download the Limera1n installer from the source link below
- Connect your iOS device to your computer
- Launch the Limera1n program. You may have to run the program as Admin in Windows
- Click “make it ra1n”
- Now you must put the device into DFU mode. To do this, hold down the Home and Power button to 5-7 seconds. Then, release the Power button, and continue to hold the Home button for an additional 10 seconds or so. Don’t worry if iTunes pops up.
- That’s it! You’ll see a new Limera1n icon on your home screen, which will allow you to download Cydia, which you’ll need to grab jailbreak apps.
Jailbreak using Redsn0w 0.9.6b2
Congratulations, you can jailbreak using redsn0w 0.9.6. This method may not be as easy as some of the other methods, so if you have any other jailbreak methods available we recommend you attempt those first.Please read the instructions below carefully before attempting.
iPod Touch 2G Users: You must determine if you have an "MC" Model. This jailbreak does not work with iPod Touch 2G "MC"
Unlockers: This jailbreak will update your baseband! Do not use this unless you are using it to restore a custom IPSW from PenageTool that will not update your baseband.
- Windows Guide to Jailbreaking with redsn0w 0.9.6b2
- Mac Guide to Jailbreaking with redsn0w 0.9.6b2
- Redsn0w 0.9.6 for Windows
- Redsn0w 0.9.6 for Mac
Jailbreak using PwnageTool 4.1.2
Congratulations your device can be jailbroken using PwnageTool (for Mac OS X users only). This is a safe and recommended jailbreak if you own one of the compatible devices. Full instructions and download links are below:Important Note: This jailbreak method only works for Mac OS X users. Windows users will have to use a different jailbreak or wait for compatible software to be released.
Unlockers Beware! Do not under any circumstances allow iTunes to restore to the official .ipsw file, this will update your baseband and possible stop you from unlocking your phone again.
How to jailbreak using PwnageTool:
- Download and install the latest version of iTunes
- Sync and backup your device (always a good idea)
- Download and install PwnageTool 4.1.2 using the link at the bottom of this guide
- Start PwnageTool and select the device you want to jailbreak
- PwnageTool will automatically detect the correct firmware for your device.
- You will be asked if you have a carrier contract that would activate through iPhone. Select "no" if you are an unlocker or on an unsupported carrier. Selecting "yes" will update you to the latest baseband and should only be used if you are on an officially supported carrier like AT&T.
- PwnageTool will now create a custom .ipsw file for your iPhone
- Follow the onscreen steps to enter DFU mode (hold power and home for 10 secs, release power and continue holding home for 10 more secs)
- You will now need to use iTunes to restore your device to the jailbroken custom firmware file you created in the previous steps.
- Start iTunes, click on your device and press and hold the left alt button on the keyboard and then click "Restore" (not update) and release the alt button.
- Select the location of your custom, jailbroken firmware and click open.
- You're done! Wait for your device to finish restoring and you will now have a jailbroken iPhone. You can even restore from a the backup you created in step two so that you have all of your apps and contact data.
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