Secure hard drive replication for forensic analysis
nickwheeleroz (Flickr)
Data Security announced its new Ranger-COP family (Ciphertex Optimized
Protection), a compact pair of products that combine AES 256-bit
hardware-based encryption with up to 15 Terabytes of capacity, designed
with rugged portability for plug, play and simplified replication of
computer system hard drives for full forensic review.
When law enforcement seizes a computer suspected of criminal activity, they need to conduct a full capture of the hard drive to check for fraudulent transactions, web site histories, evidence of hacking, changed and deleted files and pirated content. In addition, today's forensic software can ascertain deleted or changed files and identify evidence of criminal activity, child pornography and evidence of sexual predators targeting minors.
Source : Here
When law enforcement seizes a computer suspected of criminal activity, they need to conduct a full capture of the hard drive to check for fraudulent transactions, web site histories, evidence of hacking, changed and deleted files and pirated content. In addition, today's forensic software can ascertain deleted or changed files and identify evidence of criminal activity, child pornography and evidence of sexual predators targeting minors.
Source : Here
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