Recovery Image For #HTC Rezound – AmonRa Style

It looks like full steam ahead was given the moment the HTC Rezound got a home here on xda. Things could not be more active at this point. Several devs have already gotten down and dirty working on getting this device ready for the masses by the time they get it. For instance, XDA member drellisdee just released a Recovery Image for this device that is completely based upon the immensely successful AmonRa recovery, which was available for devices such as the EVO 4G and others. Going into this, you will be able to do all the things that you love and are used to such as flash, back up and restore, messing with partitions either in ext3 or ext4 format, and much more.

The installation of this must be done via fastboot due to this device currently being unlockable via HTCDev only. Because of this, the boot partition is locked and must have the boot.img flashed via this method. The Revolutionary team is rumored to be working on making this device compatible with their unlocking app (although these are just rumors), but for the time being, the only available way is via HTC’s service. Please share your experiences with this new Recovery if you managed to get it installed.

Recovery Features:
ADB as root user
USB-MS Toggle :mounts sdcard or internal_sd as mass storage

Recovery Features:

ADB as root user

USB-MS Toggle :mounts sdcard or internal_sd as mass storage

Nand Backup : Select Items to backup with the [X]
Nand Restore : browse to and select nandroid backup to restore
Nand Restore Clockwork : browse to and restore cwm backup

Flash Zip From Sdcard: must be in root of sdcard or you can directory browse.
Flash Zip from Internal_sd:
Toggle Signature Verify : Turn of signature checking on flashing zips

Wipe Menu:
Wipe data/factory reset: wipes all
Wipe cache
Wipe Dalvik cache : Wipes Dalvik cache in all possible locations if moved by apps2sd
Wipe SD:ext : Wipes Apps2sd ext partition
Wipe Battery Stats
Wipe rotate settings
Wipe data only
Wipe system
Wipe sdcard
Wipe .android secure : Wipes froyo native .android_secure on sdcard
Wipe Internal_SD

Partition Sdcard:
Partition SD: Partition's sdcard for apps2sd (this formats card so all non backed-up data is lost)
Repair Sd:ext
SD:ext2 to ext3 : coverts apps2sd ext2 partition to ext3
SD:ext3 to ext4 : same as above but ext3 to ext4 (

Gui mounts to avoid typing in terminal to mount and cd into a dir to mount system, data, cache, sd-ext (if exists), sdcard

Fix Permissions
Move recovery log to SD
Key Test : Output keycodes for debugging recovery
Check Battery Lvl

Ext3|4 menu: Formatting and reformating of partitons

Developer menu:
Make and flash boot from zimage : This makes a mkboot folder on sdcard and mounts sdcard as mass storage then you copy a zImage and kernel modules into this folder and it will create a new boot like anykernel and flash it.
Toggle full ext wipe: Toggles full or quick wipe of ext partitions
Install su & superuser: Installs or fixes su & superuser install (removes old if exists)
Install eng (unguarded) su: Installs engineering su that doesn't use superuser (removes old su & superuser if exists)
Reboot to bootloader: reboots to bootloader/hboot
Reboot recovery : reboots phone back into recovery

Trouble Shooting:
Use option under Other menu to move recovery log to sd. Mount your sdcard to pc and read that file called recovery.log. It should have detailed cause of error.

Special Thanks:
Thanks to :
Amon Ra
Chingy for testing.

PLEASE NOTE THAT HTC DEV UNLOCK LOCKS BOOT AND RECOVERY SO THOSE CAN ONLY BE UPDATED VIA FASTBOOT/HBOOT. Once Revolutionary full s-off's it recovery will be able to flash those.

MD5SUM = 9a9ec22821f606694a143b34186831e1
