
Showing posts from July, 2011

“Captain America: The First Avenger” #movie review

#Russia steps up #game in #supercomputing

Kids Maps for #Honeycomb tablets #android

#PingChat! founder on the secrets behind driving 15 million downloads #android

So Far Away - Avenged Sevenfold Tabs

#Facebook launches bug bounty program - #fb

Kenapa Najib takut sangat guna dakwat celup. #bersih #bersih2 #bersihstories #eo6 #tanyanajib

First #AOSP 2.3.5 ROMs Appearing - [ROM-AOSP GRJ90 2.3.5] DevNull-TEST (Vanilla AOSP) - #android

How to Download #Torrent Files on #Android Devices

#Android Market Adds #Movies , #eBooks

#Apple, #Samsung Eclipse #Nokia - #android


#Hollywood Wins Court Order to Force BT to Block Pirate Site - #itnews

Kemukakan bukti jika benar ada pengundi tidak sah: #SPR - #bersih #bersih2 #bersihstrories #eo6

kenapa diwujudkan?

#Game : Terminals for #Android

Mesej dari penjara: #EO6 bersemangat walau ditekan - #bersih #bersihstories #bersih2

#LulzSec spokesman Topiary arrested in Scotland

Holy Shit

Dont Make Promise - #promise #quote

#Jawatan kosong #UMS - Pusat Penataran Ilmu Dan Bahasa Universiti Malaysia Sabah

10 ditahan ketika cuba serah surat pada #Najib - #bersih #bersih2 #bersihstories

Benarkah ramai pengundi lebih 100 tahun - #bersih #bersih2 #bersihstrories

CPU Overclock Tool WiMoSpeed Updated

Half of all #SAP systems on the #Internet will be #hacked next week

How to check your OS version

Steps to Resolve the STOP 0x0000007B Blue Screen Error - #BSOD #it #tutorial

Make multiple calls in Gmail - #gmail #google #email

Avenged Sevenfold - So Far Away [ #Music #Video ]

#Malware is a Disease; Let's Treat it that Way - #news #itnews

#Jailbreak iPod Touch 3g 4.1.0 using #Greenp0ison , #Limera1n , #Redsn0w 0.9.6b2 , PwnageTool 4.1.2 -

#Jailbreak iPod Touch 4g 4.2.0 using #Redsn0w 0.9.6b2 #ipod

Jailbreak iPod Touch 4g 4.1.0 using #Greenp0ison , #Limera1n , #Redsn0w 0.9.6b2 , #PwnageTool 4.1.2 #jailbreak #ipodtouch4g

Jailbreak using Limera1n and PwnageTool 4.1.2 - #PwnageTool #Limera1n #iPad #jailbreak

Building CM from scratch #cyanogen #android

What a pain in the #ass - The #Pervert Dog

zhang ziyi - What a pain in the #ass

Memo bantah cabul hak mahasiswa catat sejarah - #berita

Harakah bantu keluarga tahanan EO #bersih #bersih2 #bersihstories #berita

Wartawan Utusan akui tulis berita tanpa semak - #news #berita

Download Priest 2011 BRrip.XViD.AC3-nCODE #movie

[APP] BetterBatteryStats adds #battery history back to #Gingerbread - #android

Browser blowout: Which is fastest, most standards compliant?

Lawyers Find Cheaper Way To Identify #BitTorrent Users - #itnews

#MIUI Port Available For #Motorola Droid X And Droid 2 - #android

[ #GUIDE] Perka´s Ultimate ROM Cooking Guide - Galaxy S I9000 ROM Cooking Guide - #sgs #android

Kekosongan Jawatan TNB - #TNB

Charlie Miller: #Mac #notebook batteries can be #hacked

[MOD] IncrediControl - Preview3 - Easily control #kernel settings and HAVS voltages! - #android

[ #GUIDE ] Lazyman's installation guide to #ADB on Ubuntu 10.10 - Now with #Ubuntu 11.04

[TUTORIAL] Tasker - Total Data Connection & Sync Control V4

[APP] FTPDroid - Pure-FTPd ported to #Android #ftp

#Microsoft releases #API and tools to connect #Messenger , #SkyDrive, and #Hotmail data to mobile apps - #android

#Google says goodbye to browser toolbar, drops support for #Firefox 5 - #firefox5

#MIUI 1.7.22 Changelogs - #miuirom #miuius #android

Turn User Account Control on or off

#Bersih : 3 pelajar dihalau dari asrama #bersihstories #bersih2

Penduduk Kuantan resah dengan Lynas

List Of The Best #Android #Phone #2011

We know

#Online TVx Remote Allows You to Control Your #PC-Based TV Viewing From a Distance - #android

I dont care - #care

19,000 papers leaked to protest war against knowledge #bittorrent #news

German Security Authorities #Hacked - #it

Eyeball-Scanning iPhone Used by Cops to ID Suspects

#Google Plus, #Facebook, #Twitter or #LinkedIn ? #googleplus #android